Once you get a car loan, lenders will look getting a credit history with a minimum of 750. Less than that it get, lenders are unwilling to lend for your requirements as it implies the reasonable fees ability. Particular finance companies can offer you a car loan despite your own reasonable credit history nonetheless they can charge a important source top rate of interest. Read more
Air Conditioning and Contracting Est. has been a trusted name in the construction business as well as in residential and commercial air conditioning services throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Airconditioninghouse Est.
P.O Box No: 26800, Riyadh 14312
Building No:7856, Unit-02, Abdullah Al Khalidi
Al- Manakh, Exit-18
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Tel : 00966 1 4733251
Tel : 00966 1 4766600
Fax: 00.966.1. 4790355
Email: info@airconditioninghouse.com
Office Hours
Su-Th: 8:00-17:30
Sa: 8:00-14:00
Fr: closed