We had a clean, value-based, long-distance relationship

Introduction: This week I have chosen letters from those who met on the internet, were subsequently married, and are now having trouble adjusting. In both cases, they married soon after they met.

Dr. Harley,

I read your response to the Q & A’s (How to Meet the Need for Sexual Fulfillment (Part 1) and (Part 2)), but still need help .

Quick Background: I’m a 33 year old female, 2nd marriage to 40 year old male never married before. We met on Prodigy and he told me he was a Christian. Married 8 months later. First 5 months of marriage were okay, good sexually. After that, he started to lose his sex drive. We went from having sex every day to having it every once in awhile.

Ten months after marrying, I caught him having computer sex (he was at work, I signed onto our computer at home, under his i.d. and got his screen). Not only was he having dirty sex, he told the woman he was divorced. After I confronted him, he denied it, insisting it was a janitor or someone else on his computer. But 8 months later he finally confessed and I don’t think he’s doing computer sex anymore.

However, his sex drive is terrible. I’ve only wanted sex 3 times a week, or at least once, feeling it’s important to connect this way for marital intimacy. But we’ve gone 3 weeks with out making love, despite my advances, which he’s rejected throughout that 3 week period. Read more