In fact, the larger gender divergence in our study came down to relationship status

That’s not to say that Gen Z men and women are on the same page. Half of Gen Z women ( 49 %) said they’re in a relationship, while only 24 % of Gen Z men agreed. Sure, Gen Z women are more likely to identify as lesbian or bisexual and e-sex relationships, but statistically-speaking this doesn’t explain the gap between single-identifying men and women. No wonder 85 % of Gen Z women believe that their generation is more commitment-phobic than previous gens.

Zs said their top sources for dating and relationship advice over the last 12 months were TikTok ( 42 %), Instagram ( 36 %), and YouTube ( 30 %) – and Gen Z women were twice as likely as their male counterparts to seek dating advice from podcasts

Technology has become one of the biggest bridges – and barriers – to romance today, but not in the ways you might first think. Read more