Online shoppers are spoiled for options, which is why it’s crucial to make their shopping experience as simple and as smooth as it can be. Customers who have a difficult and confusing shopping experience may abandon their carts and leave negative reviews that will convince others who might be interested to stay away from the store.

These ecommerce design errors can be devastating to your sales. Fortunately, most of them can be easily avoided with a bit of careful planning.

Using Low-Quality Images

Nobody wants to buy something that doesn’t give it the best possible impression. It is essential to have high-quality images on your ecommerce site. Low-quality images will not only turn away customers, but it can also harm the reputation of your brand.

Not Offering a Guest Checkout option

Not offering an option for customers to checkout as guests is another common error that can deter potential customers from purchasing on your site. Many customers are hesitant when asked to create an account, especially when they have to provide their personal information like their email address. It is best to let visitors sign up using their social media accounts instead to speed up the process. This will lessen the privacy concerns of visitors.

Another major e-commerce design blunder is having a messy and disorganized menu structure. It is essential to have a clear idea for how each page on your site will look, so that navigation is clear and convenient for customers. Make sure that each page is designed to be organized in accordance with the nature of the content and make it easy for visitors to locate what they are looking for.

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