Board meetings are an amazing opportunity to shape a company, pulling together brain power to navigate turbulent waters and calmer seas. If they are done right they can dramatically alter the direction of an organisation. But without a clear structure and a strict discipline, a meeting can quickly turn into a failure and a hassle for all those involved.

It is essential to start by bringing the meeting to order and addressing all items of a purely personal or formal nature. After ensuring that a quorum present, proceed to the next item on the agenda, and then start the main body of discussion. This is usually where you’ll be discussing major organisational updates, key forks in the road and strategies to guide the business into future success.

If you’re worried about the length of your meetings, cut down on reports and other “have-to’s” by encouraging officers and committee chairpersons to present brief, bullet point summaries. This will let you focus more time on strategic discussions, and your attendees won’t be bored or distracted by long discussions.

Make sure to send all relevant documents to your attendees prior to the meeting (committee and staff reports, Board packs, and any contextualising documents). This will not only help save time at the meeting, but also encourage your attendees to prepare ahead of time. Begin the meeting with any clarifications or follow-up queries that came up from the pre-read material. Then get right into the most important discussions.

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